DLG announces subgrants to support projects up to $7500: applications due April 12, 2019

To broaden partner participation in the Digital Library of Georgia (DLG), DLG is soliciting proposals for historic digitization projects costing up to $7500 from non-profit Georgia cultural heritage institutions. Applicant organizations must be open to the public, and their collections must be available for public research either by appointment or through regular hours. Project metadata will be included in the DLG portal and the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). Projects may include the reformatting of textual materials (not including newspapers), graphic materials, or audio-visual materials. Applicants should have materials prepared for a project start date of July 1, 2019.

Selection of materials or collections to digitize will be made in accordance with the DLG’s Collection Development Policy and will depend on the availability of resources and funding. Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

Clarity of proposal–Project scope and responsibilities should be well-defined.

■     Diversity–Materials that represent the cultural, political, social, geographic, and/or economic diversity of the state of Georgia will be given priority.

■     Reusability–Materials should be free of legal restrictions or have permissions granted by the copyright holder. Preference is given to materials that are freely available or available for free reuse for either educational or non-commercial uses.

■     Historic value–Materials should have high research, artifactual, or evidential value and/or be of particular interest to multiple audiences.

■     Added value through digitization–Materials for which access will be substantially improved by digitization or which have a high potential for added value in the digital environment through linkages to existing digitized content will be given priority.

■     Capacity building–Preference will be given to organizations who have not yet collaborated with the DLG and/or those with limited digitization resources or experience.

A committee consisting of DLG, Georgia HomePLACE, Georgia Humanities Council, and Georgia Council for the Arts staff and representatives of GHRAC and the DLG partner community will determine awards. Awards committee members will recuse themselves from review of a proposal should a conflict of interest exist.

For textual and graphic materials, digitization and descriptive services will be performed by DLG staff. In the case of audio-visual collections, digitization will be outsourced to a vendor. Partners are responsible for transporting materials to and from the DLG or for costs associated with shipping to and from vendors.

Nominated materials must have clear rights statements and documentation. Any metadata created will be shared under a Creative Commons License Public Domain License (CC0), through the DLG’s portal and the DPLA.

To apply, submit a 2 MB or smaller zip file of the following to our proposal submission form (you will need a gmail account) by April 12, 2019:

■     Application form;

■     One letter of reference from a previous user of the materials describing their historic value and potential for reuse by multiple audiences;

■     Five samples of selected content;

■     A budget that includes conversion costs, metadata services, and hosting  fees based on the DLG Digital Services Cost Recovery for Proposal Development and using the application budget form; and

■     If requesting DLG hosting, proof of rights status for materials (e.g., letter of permissions from copyright holder, donor’s agreement, orphan works status assessment, release form, etc.).

Important dates

  •      February 14, 2019, 2 pm, Webinar
  •      February 19, 2019, 10 am-noon, Phone office hours with DLG staff
  •      February 21, 2019, 1 pm-4 pm, Phone office hours with DLG staff
  •     April 12, 2019, Proposals due
  •     May 7, 2019, Committee reviews proposals
  •     May 14, 2019, Recipients notified
  •     June 14, 2019, Service agreements signed (Sample MOU available here) and      project schedules agreed
  •    July 1, 2019, Program start date

About the Digital Library of Georgia

Based at the University of Georgia Libraries, the Digital Library of Georgia https://dlg.usg.edu is a GALILEO initiative that collaborates with Georgia’s libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions of education and culture to provide access to key information resources on Georgia history, culture, and life. This primary mission is accomplished through the ongoing development, maintenance, and preservation of digital collections and online digital library resources.  DLG also serves as Georgia’s service hub for the Digital Public Library of America and as the home of the Georgia Newspaper Project, the state’s historic newspaper microfilming project.



WEBINAR: Revealing Hidden Collections: The Our Story Digitization Project at the Atlanta University Center | The Mechanics- Part 2


Revealing Hidden Collections:

The Our Story Digitization Project at the Atlanta University Center

The Mechanics- Part 2

Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2:00-3:00 pm EST

Cost: FREE to all


Aletha Moore, Digitization Project Manager, Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library

Chelly Tavss, Digitization Project Manager, Digital Library of Georgia

Christine Wiseman, Head Digital Services, Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library

To join:


Description: Beginning in 2017, Our Story is a two and a half year collaborative mass digitization project funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources. Partners include the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library (AUC Woodruff Library), Morehouse College, Spelman College Archives and the Digital Library of Georgia. Through digital reformatting and a portal of publically accessible collections, this project intends to broaden access to historic publications, periodicals, theses and dissertations and photographs documenting the history of the Atlanta University Center, the largest consortium of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

This session– part two in a series of three –will provide attendees with a deeper dive into the mechanics of implementing a complex project with multiple partners. Topics include writing the proposal, vendor selection, preparing collections for digitization, metadata creation, designing workflows and making the collections accessible. Speakers will focus on lessons learned and project management strategies that should be applicable to similar initiatives. The third webinar will focus on strategies for outreach, dissemination and incorporating content into curriculum. View the recording of the first webinar here.

This project is made possible with support from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The webinar series is co-sponsored by the HBCU Library Alliance, the Digital Library of Georgia and the AUC Woodruff Library.

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