The Digital Library of Georgia is pleased to announce the addition of the previously digitized South Georgia newspaper titles to the Georgia Historic Newspapers (GHN) website.

GHN now provides online access to forty seven South Georgia newspaper titles published in eleven cities (Albany, Americus, Bainbridge, Brunswick, Cairo, Cuthbert, Thomasville, Tifton, Valdosta, Vienna, and Waycross) between 1845 and 1922, including:
Advertiser (Brunswick), 1875
Advertiser and Appeal (Brunswick), 1888
Albany Daily Herald, 1906
Albany News, 1869-1880
Albany Patriot, 1845-1866
Albany Tri-Weekly News, 1867
Albany Weekly Herald, 1892-1901
Americus Daily Recorder, 1884-1890
Americus Recorder Tri-Weekly, 1881-1884
Americus Times-Recorder (daily), 1891-1900
Americus Times-Recorder (weekly), 1891-1902, 1907-1910, 1817-1821
Americus Weekly Recorder, 1883-1891
Americus Weekly Times-Recorder, 1902-1907
Bainbridge Democrat, 1881-1909
Bainbridge Search Light, 1903-1913
Bainbridge Weekly Democrat, 1872-1876
Brunswick Advertiser, 1875-1881
Brunswick Advertiser and Appeal, 1881
Brunswick Weekly Advertiser, 1889
Cuthbert Appeal, 1866-1884
Cuthbert Enterprise and Appeal, 1884-1888
Daily Advertiser-Appeal, 1888-1889
Daily Times-Enterprise (Thomasville), 1890-1922
Grady County Progress (Cairo), 1910-1917
Post-Search Light (Bainbridge), 1916-1922
Search Light (Bainbridge, 1901-1903
Thomasville Times, 1873-1889
Thomasville Times-Enterprise, 1893-1903
Tifton Gazette, 1892-1919
Times-Enterprise Semi-Weekly Edition (Thomasville), 1913-1922
Times-Recorder (Americus, daily), 1891
Times-Recorder (Americus, weekly), 1891
Tri-Weekly Sumter Republican (Americus), 1866-1867
Tri-Weekly Republican (Americus), 1870
Valdosta Times, 1905-1912
Waycross Evening Herald, 1911
Waycross Headlight, 1884-1887
Waycross Herald, 1892-1893
Waycross Journal, 1901-1914
Waycross Weekly Herald, 1893-1902, 1908-1910
Waycross Weekly Journal, 1914
Weekly Advertiser Appeal (Brunswick), 1888
Weekly Edition of the Waycross Evening Herald, 1904-1908
Weekly News and Advertiser (Albany), 1880-1892
Weekly Sumter Republican, 1870-1885
Weekly Times Enterprise and South Georgia Progress, 1905-1908
Weekly Times-Recorder, 1910-1917
The site offers full text searching and multiple browsing options. GHN is compatible with all current browsers, and the newspaper page images can be viewed without the use of plug-ins or additional software downloads.
This summer, the Digital Library of Georgia will be adding several previously digitized newspaper titles, including titles from the Savannah and Athens Historic Newspaper Archives. Upcoming new releases will include dozens of R.J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation-funded antebellum titles from around the state, the NDNP-funded Savannah Morning News, and several CLIR-funded student newspapers from Atlanta University Center and Spelman and Morehouse Colleges.