Red and Black available on Georgia Historic Newspapers site; crowdfunding campaign to digitize back issues

The Digital Library of Georgia (DLG) is pleased to announce the availability of the Red and Black in the Georgia Historic Newspapers Archive (GHN) at . Since 1893, the Red and Black has provided a training ground for University of Georgia students interested in gaining experience in various aspects of newspaper publishing and to produce a high quality daily newspaper for the University of Georgia community.

The Red and Black debuted in 1893 as a newspaper devoted to the interests of the University of Georgia’s student body. Two years later, the publication was discontinued after a conflict between university faculty and the Red and Black. In September, 1895, the publication resumed as a private venture, which proved successful enough to convince faculty to reclaim the paper in 1896. The University of Georgia Athletic Association assumed control of the Red and Black, which operated there in connection with the School of Journalism. In 1980, the UGA Board of Regents voted to approve the paper’s independence from the university. The Red and Black remains an independent publication and is the most widely circulated college newspaper in Georgia.

“As we celebrate our 125th anniversary, this is an exciting development for The Red and Black,” says publisher Rebecca Burns. “Our archives provide a record of student life and athletics at the University of Georgia that students, alumni, and fans appreciate. They also are a resource for researchers and scholars looking for insights into a student perspective on a host of important issues, from the World Wars and Vietnam War to the integration of UGA to more contemporary events and issues such as 9/11.”

The University of Georgia Libraries has launched a crowdfunding campaign to digitize back issues of the Red and Black dating from 2007-present. Currently, issues from 1893 to 2006 are available on the new website. The archive is keyword searchable, making it a valuable resource for the University community. To support or to learn more about this project, visit .


About the Digital Library of Georgia

Based at the University of Georgia Libraries, the Digital Library of Georgia is a GALILEO initiative that collaborates with Georgia’s libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions of education and culture to provide access to key information resources on Georgia history, culture, and life. This primary mission is accomplished through the ongoing development, maintenance, and preservation of digital collections and online digital library resources.  DLG also serves as Georgia’s service hub for the Digital Public Library of America and as the home of the Georgia Newspaper Project, the state’s historic newspaper microfilming project.


2 Replies to “Red and Black available on Georgia Historic Newspapers site; crowdfunding campaign to digitize back issues”

  1. I would like to see the article “People’s Park shaped by students” found in the September 29, 1970 edition of the “Red and Black” student newspaper.

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