Georgia Historic Newspapers Update Winter 2021

This past winter, the Digital Library of Georgia released several new grant-funded newspaper titles to the Georgia Historic Newspapers website. Included below is a list of the newly available titles.

Titles funded by the National Digital Newspaper Program with a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Americus Times-Recorder, 1920-1925

Atlanta Constitution, 1897-1903

Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal, 1901-1918

Golden Age (Atlanta), 1906-1914

People’s Party Paper (Atlanta), 1892-1898

Trench and Camp (Augusta), 1917-1919

Titles funded by the R.J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation in partnership with the Atlanta History Center.

Atlanta Daily Examiner. 1854-1855

Atlanta Daily Post, 1879-1880

Atlanta Evening Capitol, 1885-1887

Atlanta Evening Herald, 1893

Atlanta Post-Appeal, 1882

Atlanta Weekly Examiner, 1855-1856

Atlanta Weekly Post, 1880-1881

Cherokee Georgian (Canton), 1875-1876

Cherokee Intelligencer (Canton), 1833-1834

Christian Index (Atlanta), 1879-1881

Christian Index (Atlanta), 1892-1897

Christian index and Southern Baptist (Atlanta), 1881-1892

Daily Dispatch (Savannah), 1894

Daily Press (Atlanta), 1894

Evening Sentinel (Augusta), 1878-1879

Georgia Constitutionalist (Augusta), 1845

Georgia Courier (Augusta), 1833-1835

Great Kennesaw Route Gazette (Atlanta), 1886

Kennesaw Gazette (Atlanta), 1886-1890

Living Issues (Atlanta), 1893-1894

Looking Glass (Atlanta), 1894-1897

Marietta Advocate, 1861-1863

National Republican (Augusta), 1868

Savannah Daily Times, 1884-1886

Savannah Morning News, 1881-1883

Savannah Weekly News, 1894-1898

Southern Alliance Farmer, 1889-1892

Southern Confederacy (Atlanta), 1861

Sunday Gazette (Atlanta), 1878-1881

Sunday Phonograph (Atlanta), 1879-1881

Times (Savannah), 1880-1881

Weekly Chronicle & Constitutionalist (Augusta), 1881-1883

Weekly Chronicle & Sentinel (Augusta), 1843-1846

Weekly Georgia Constitutionalist and Republic (Augusta), 1852-1855

Western Georgian (Rome), 1838


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